Thursday, May 3, 2007

the joys of dorm room livin'

1. Never being able to control the temperature. It can be freezing outside but 107 degrees in here, even when our thermostat is set on 50 and LOW. Or, it can be colder than the arctic in here when it's set on 90 and high.

2. No privacy. Ever.

3. Smelly suite mates...I mean awful. I'm talking gotta hold your breath to use the bathroom.

4. Suite mates that love (more than anyone should) to do things such as: slam doors. multiple times. scream at the top of their lungs. run up an down the hallway screaming. playing viola at 3 am.

5. I have skillfully mastered the art of shaving my legs with my big toe propped on a shampoo bottle.

6. Taking showers in a box about the width of a refrigerator box is not easy. Or someone getting in the shower right as you are about to pee yourself. -_-

7. Sometimes showers are nice and warm...until the water decides to go to the temperature of the sun and melt my skin right off my body.

I'm moving back home this weekend and I've never been more excited.

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